Top 10 Perfect Bucket List For When You Leave School

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Guest blogger Katie, 17, tells us about her perfect bucket list. Here's part one.

Most people think of a bucket list as a list of things they want to do before they die

And in one way it is, however, it is becoming more and more common for younger people like myself to create bucket lists for when they reach certain ages or a list of what to do at different ages.

Or even things like a summer bucket list packed full of outdoor adventures - there is no right or wrong answer to what features in yours.

Here are the top things that I would put on my bucket list:

Hot Air Balloon Ride

Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved the thought of being able to fly.

A Hot Air Balloon ride has always seemed an appealing and realistic way of being able to do such a thing.

Flying in a Hot Air Balloon would be a thrilling and unforgettable experience that belongs at the top of my list.

Swim With Dolphins

There is something magical about the thought of swimming with such a magnificent creature and being able to be that close to them would be amazing.

I have always thought of them as an enchanting mammal and would certainly love to swim with them.

It would be a perfect thing for my bucket list.

Go On A Road Trip With Friends

I love spending time with my friends and going on a road trip with them would be a cheerful experience and a memorable day or weekend out.

With picnics, trips to the beaches or just driving around with our best playlists on, it would sure be a day to remember.

Sleep Under The Stars

There is something that intrigues me with stars.

I love watching them, I find it so peaceful and mesmerizing that sleeping outside and falling asleep under them is without a doubt something I want to do.

Build A Treehouse

I have loved building things (absolutely anything) for as long as I can remember.

It’s something that has come naturally to me.

As well as being something I enjoy doing and for anyone else who loves doing anything practical, this would be a great project to do over the summer.

It could be a playhouse for a younger sibling or a personal space for yourself, whatever it is it can be a hands-on project you can do yourself start to finish.

Go Scuba Diving

The sea has always captivated me with how calm and quiet everything seems under the waves.

If I were to go scuba diving it would have to be in the Great Barrier Reef.

I would love to explore everything, watch all the animals, and admire the beautiful and bold colours of the reef.

This is something that belongs near the top of my bucket list.

Girls Holiday Abroad

You think a day out with your friends is fun what a about girls' trip abroad?

Going on holiday with my family is one of my favourite parts of the year, but I have always wanted a holiday with my friends.

It would be an unforgettable experience.

Go To A Festival

A festival is the perfect thing to be on my bucket list especially now we are in summer.

It’s a great place me and my friends can go for a couple of days out.

There is always a lot of excitement and good music with a different experience each time.

It’s an easy but enjoyable thing I want to do.

Go To A Masquerade Ball

The concept of a masquerade ball fills me with excitement all of the mystery and the dressing up in stunning dresses and masks.

It’s an evening full of music dancing and drinks and certainly something I would love to attend.

Go To New York For Christmas

I have never spent Christmas anywhere other than at home with family.

But I have always wondered what it would be like to spend Christmas abroad.

If I did this there would be only one place I would like to go, New York.

I have always thought of it as such a magical and bright city full of high spirits all year round, full of life and activities such as going ice skating outdoors at Central Park.

It really would be a perfect place to spend the Christmas holiday.

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