We’re big fans of Countryfile here at Ballooning Towers, from discovering news facts like how Brits love the peace and quiet of the great British countryside, to learning all about the wonderful creatures our country is home to.

Our Somerset hot air balloon pilot Piers Glydon recently had the pleasure of flying two members from Countryfile magazine. Carys Matthews and Samantha Wall from the digital team hopped into one of our baskets at the Glastonbury hot air balloon launch site one beautiful late summer’s morning.

The team drifted high above stunning sites like Glastonbury Tor and the glorious Somerset Levels.

After floating on air across incredible landscapes, the Countryfile twosome and fellow passengers enjoyed a traditional Champagne toast before being presented with their flight certificate – the perfect experience memento.

Speaking about the day, Carys said: “Our hot air ballooning experience provided a unique bird’s-eye view of the countryside.

"The flight was so smooth, at first I hadn’t even noticed that we’d floated several feet off the ground! Mornings don’t come much more perfect than this.”

Read the full Countryfile Somerset hot air balloon review here.

Hot Air Balloon Ride Over Glastonbury

It’s not just the iconic world-famous music festival that Glastonbury has to offer, go up, up and away from our launch site at Glastonbury Rugby Club and take in beautiful sites like Glastonbury cathedral in the comfort of a hot air balloon basket. There’s no better way to appreciate the rolling Somerset countryside than on this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Take life higher on a hot air balloon ride in Somerset and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Your Glastonbury ballooning adventure awaits.