‘Gravity’ was this year’s Oscar smash. Winning a fabulous 7 awards in total, the film, directed by Alfonso Cuaron, was the undisputed gem of the awards night earlier this month.

Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, the film narrates the story of two astronauts involved in the mid-orbit destruction of a space shuttle and their attempt to get home.

Whilst we’re concerned with flying a little closer to planet Earth, we couldn’t help but spot the red, white, and blue parachute used in the film.

Our friends at Cameron Balloons in Bristol were commissioned to make the parachute by the modeller and propmaker Pierre Bohanna on behalf of Warner Bros.

Cameron Balloons had to employ some of their best aerospace technology skills and fabric to build the parachute. Of course, when they make our balloon envelopes, they have to use some slightly different techniques.

We visited the Cameron Balloons factory in Bristol last summer.