Here at Virgin Balloon Flights, the countryside is close to our hearts. Without it, we’d simply have nothing to marvel at on our flights, and nothing to constantly inspire our love of ballooning. In all honesty, we need to keep the countryside, on our side.

Appreciating our landscape from the skies is what we're all about, but we know it's important to come down once in a while for a closer look at what's going on at ground level.

To champion our natural surroundings, Virgin Balloon Flights launched the Love Our Landscape campaign to promote the ethical enjoyment of our greatest resource.

To do so, we’ve partnered with the guys over at to help people reconnect with the landscape and glean a better understanding of where our food comes from. The website gives information on the farm shops and farmers’ markets in your area.

Rita Exner, who runs the website, said: “I have been involved with local food for the last 20 years and when I started, you had to tell people what a farm shop was. These days, it’s exciting as farmers’ markets and shops have become a part of people’s vocabulary.”

On the Virgin Balloon Flights website, we’ve compiled an interactive map to show you the Wildlife Trusts’ Reserves and farm shops, farmers markets and pick your own sites (courtesy of in relation to our balloon launch sites across the UK.

We might grumble at the weather sometimes, but the beautiful British countryside has never failed us. Time and again it provides a stunning backdrop to our balloon flights. It’s only right we give something back, so take a moment to think about what you’re buying and where it’s come from.

To keep you engaged with your countryside once your balloon flight is over, use our interactive map to find out about up and coming farmers’ markets nearest to you. You can also search for farm shop locations and opening times.

Rita said: “It’s just a matter of telling people about what’s on offer. There’s wonderful food everywhere you go, it’s just a matter of getting the message out there.”

To fly with us either visit our website or call 01952 212750 to book today.