After being lucky enough to win a place at a training workshop with elite runners Liz and Martin Yelling, organised by Virgin Money Giving, our marathon runner Sue is full to the brim with new knowledge and ready to rank up the training another notch to make sure she crosses the finish line with Hope House Children's Hospice in mind.

Liz, a two time Olympic Marathon runner and Commonwealth Games medallist, was the first British finisher at the Athens Olympic Marathon and also led the Beijing Olympic Marathon. So there is no one better to get Sue in the right frame of mind to rock and roll on marathon day.

Sue said about the training at Eton College Rowing Centre at Dorney Lake in Windsor “It was good to find out what my comfortable running pace is, at the moment I’m running a 10 minute mile, which means I could hopefully complete the marathon in 4 hours and 30 minutes. I also learned some useful nutrition tips and what I should be eating whilst training for the marathon to ensure that my body is correctly fuelled. I had a great day!”

Our current total for fundraising stands at £3,314.80, and we’re hoping to get much more! To do your bit why not buy a raffle ticket to be in with a chance of winning one of many fantastic prizes which can be seen on our Charity Raffle blog page?