2013 is well and truly underway. After the madness of the festive season, most of us are settling back into our normal routines and lives. However, a new year should also mean a new start, and there has never been a better time to start planning how to achieve some of your dreams than right now. Hot air balloon rides are a breathtaking experience which many people think that they would like to do if only they got the chance. Well, 2013 can be the year that you make that chance happen thanks to the superb hot air balloon experience days offered by the UK’s number one provider of air balloon flights.

We are busy gearing up for the flights season here at Virgin Balloon Flights, and are extremely excited about what the New Year has in store. It has never been easier to book a place on a hot air balloon experience. Pluck up the courage to purchase one of the most amazing experiences of your life by purchasing one of our vouchers for a balloon ride today. With one of our flight experiences, you can expect a day exploring the great outdoors in a way that you will never forget.

There is nothing quite like seeing the world from the perspective offered by a balloon ride. You don’t have to go on a ride by yourself. Ask around your friends and family to see if they fancy sharing the experience with you. With flight locations all over the country, you are bound to find one which is close to where you live. We cannot ever guarantee what route the hot air balloon will take because it will depend on the air patterns on the day. However, if you are going on a ride near where you live there is a chance that the balloon may fly over or close to your home.

One of the best things about our balloon rides is the fact that you don’t just have to be a spectator passenger. We encourage all our guests to get involved with helping to inflate and deflate the balloon. This can be huge fun, but make sure that you wear suitable clothing as it can get a bit chilly and muddy depending on the weather. Spend about an hour in the sky and see the world from a bird’s eye with your closest friends and family.

When the hot air balloon finally lands you can look forward to a champagne toast (or soft drink) to celebrate the trip. One thing is for certain, you will always have something to talk about at the dinner table once you have been on one of our hot air balloon experiences. Start living life on the wild side and sign up for a breathtaking experience which you will never forget. And don’t worry if people don’t believe that you have dared to take part in such an adventure – after every flight passengers are presented with an official certificate endorsed by Richard Branson.