Here’s a selection of the best picks from our social media channels over the last few months. We’ve had lots of interaction and positive feedback about the Virgin Balloon Flights experience. Thanks to all our social media regulars, we love hearing about your ballooning adventures. Keep all your comments and photos coming.

Kate and Leonie dropped up a post in September, just after they flew from Belper with Piers. Take a look at the lovely storyboard they created post flight.

We like a bit of healthy competition at Virgin Balloon Flights…

Antonia had a few kind words for our lovely South West pilot Robert Keron.

Our youngest (and cutest) pilot to date? We sent Isobel some goodies to show our appreciation for her fabulous fancy dress outfit.

Danyelle is one of our social regulars – she’s always giving us good content. Check out her photo from the Bristol Balloon Fiesta.

Neil Marshall, the crew member for Chris Oxby, is another content gem. During flying season he regularly tweets us with photos like this one…

The Love our Landscape board on Pinterest is our most popular. We’ve been pinning the runners up from the 2013 photo competition.

Keep an eye on our social media review, especially as the flying season begins. Please do keep posting all your photos and comments, we love to hear from you.

To book your flight call 01952 212750 or visit today.