Web sensation ‘Geriatric1927’ also known as Peter, 83, from Derbyshire, has been video blogging on YouTube for the last 4 years, spreading his knowledge and wisdom to nearly nine million online viewers. In one of his latest posts, the ex-Naval Air Force radar mechanic shows followers the fantastic view through his window which is one of rising Virgin hot air balloons.

“I have been a video blogger there over 4 years now. I investigated the site sometime after I was widowed when I was looking for a way to make friends, being rather lonely living alone and without a great deal of social contact with others” said Peter.

The grandfather to two boys added “It was, at that time, a site used mainly if not exclusively by the young and therefore I thought that my video would be ridiculed or not seen by anyone. The reverse happened mainly due to the media (Reuters) picking it up after which it was announced on television, newspapers etc., where I was labelled as an ‘Internet Sensation’. At that time I was the only elderly person on the site. I feel a little proud of that today because of my example there is now a wide range of ages there. This now allows for what I like to call an international communication and I have so many young friends now which I hope will help to break down some of those false stereotype images that we may have had about each other.”

Named ‘The Internet Grandad’ by The Daily Mail and The New York Times, the motorcycle enthusiast keeps himself busy airing his views or sharing his life experiences on YouTube and his website www.askgeriatric.com. Aside from his web based wonderments, Peter is also part of ‘The Zimmers’ an OAP band formed by the BBC whilst making the television documentary ‘Power to the People’. Their latest album ‘Lust for Life’ is still available to buy so take a look online at www.thezimmersonline.com.

“The view from my window is of the wooded hills beyond and the site of the Virgin balloons emerging from the trees and floating majestically down the valley is a site that I enjoy very much and a balloon flight is something that I have always wanted to do.

I am and always have been a fan of Sir Richard Branson, as a businessman myself I have the greatest admiration for his risk taking business ventures. I am particularly admiring of his adventurous escapades and the crazy high altitude balloon flight.”

View The Internet Grandad’s video below– enjoy!