Virgin Balloon Flights have been helping two Beaver Scout colonies in Yorkshire to achieve their Air Activity Badges by teaching them all about ballooning and getting them to design their own hot air balloons!

The Nebraska and Montana colonies for young beaver Scouts aged six to eight years old meet once a week at their York Scouts centre, not too far from our Yorkshire hot air balloon launch sites. Virgin Balloon Flights were called upon by Beaver Scout Leader Judith Partridge to help the children gain their badges.

After sending through some worksheets for the Beavers containing interesting facts about Virgin Balloon Flights and an explanation of how our hot air balloons work, the children set about drawing their own balloon designs having to incorporate the envelope, the basket and the burners and then naming their creation.

After receiving the beautiful designs in the post this week we spent a morning deliberating the exceptional competition, cooing over the intelligence of these six, seven and eight-year-olds. We finally picked a winner … Harry Jenner aged seven, for his ‘Dragon Balloon’ design. We thought he was fantastically creative with his fire breathing dragon idea to inflate the balloon envelope, well done Harry!

A close second was six-year-old Nathan Watson’s ‘Sunshine Airways’ design for his attention to detail showing the mechanics of hot air ballooning.

The lucky winner Harry is set to receive a pair of Virgin Balloon Flights luxury binoculars, a cap and a key ring. Thanks to all the Beavers who sent us their balloons and congratulations on achieving your Air Activities Badge!