have donned their best pink attire to show their support for 'Wear It Pink Day' supporting fundraising for this wonderful charity to understand how breast cancer develops, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure.

Wear It Pink says fundraising is so important because “Breast cancer research has made considerable progress over the past two decades and vital work is still underway. Past research has resulted in improvements in quality of life and survival. However, one woman in nine in the UK will be diagnosed during her lifetime. Each research project funded by the charity brings us a step closer to beating breast cancer.”

We didn’t need more encouragement than that to make sure even the boys were rocking the hot pink look! Although the official Wear It Pink Day isn’t until tomorrow (29th October 2010) we thought we’d pip the post to start fundraising now.

We’ve each pledged £2 or more to parade in pink at Virgin Balloon Flights HQ and hope our fundraising efforts will make a difference to someone else. From handmade pink wigs to tutus and flowers, Virgin Balloon Flights ‘Wear It Pink Day’ exceptional ensembles have made us smile all day.

You too can make a simple donation by clicking on the ‘Wear It Pink’ banners above and below.