In aid of the Breast Cancer Campaign, here at Virgin Balloon Flights we all got pretty in pink as part of the ‘Wear it pink’ day.

For those of you who aren’t aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The aim is to increase awareness of breast cancer so women can learn to check for symptoms and seek help early if needed, increasing their chance of survival. Breast Cancer Campaign is one of the charities that contribute towards breast cancer awareness. It is made up of a unique community of scientists, supporters and people touched by breast cancer. ‘wear it pink’ is part of their focus on Pink Science – a pioneering approach to breast cancer research that funds projects with the greatest potential to save and improve lives, and ultimately find a cure.

Breast Cancer Campaign currently supports 102 research projects - worth over £17 million - in 35 centres of excellence across the UK and Ireland. Their logo is a jigsaw piece symbolising the missing piece of the puzzle that is the cure for breast cancer.

Although there have already been improvements in quality of life and survival due to past research, support is still needed for the research to continue.

'wear it pink’ is such a simple way to raise money for an important cause. If you missed out today, don’t hesitate to get involved, fundraising happens all year round. To do your part or even create your own event, simply visit the Breast Cancer Campaign website and order a fundraising pack.