Hi there,

I’m Alex Ferguson (the real one – not a certain grumpy Scottish football manager!) and I’m head of marketing at Virgin Balloon Flights in the UK. I’d love you to help me raise money for Virgin Unite.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? It was probably just this morning. Was it cool, fun, interesting, surprising, scary, disgusting or totally unforgettable? Life is made up of first times and the first time is often the best. Life also tends to be more fun if you’re open to trying new things, even if they take you out of your usual comfort zone. I’ve recently become a dad for the first time – so this has opened up a whole new world of first times!

Get a custard pie in the face

Go roller blading

Have legs waxed (I have hairy legs)

Drive a tractor

Make a coffee like a barista

Eat a banana split (I hate bananas!)

Eat Dragon fruit

Eat snails and or frogs legs

Play a trombone, tuba, accordion or electric guitar

Make hollandaise sauce

Attend a Zumba dance class

Ride a motorbike

Learn some Swedish

Do a 10 mile run (I’ve never run further than 5!)

Ride in a rickshaw

Play poker

Eat jellied eels

Do a ballroom dance

Help in a charity shop

Feed a flamingo

Facebook @ Facebook

Tweet a poem

Pull a pint

Do some knitting

Swim in the Serpentine (lake in Hyde Park)

Work in a call centre

Get a facial/facemask

Be a vet nurse

Work in a hairdressers

Ride a horse bareback

Hold a chicken

Work on a stall

Make pasta from scratch

Try taekwondo

Make a flower arrangement

Visit an outdoor gym

Attend a fitness class (spinning or yoga)

Visit the Tate modern gallery

Be a train guard/conductor

Do a Sudoku puzzle

Family photoshoot

Take an ice bath

Have nails painted

Have eyebrows plucked

Get hair coloured


Re-wire a plug/light switch

Kiss a pig

Get a fake tan

Tell Sir Richard Branson a joke

Like life, there could be some hiccups along the way and this list may change a bit (some things are more difficult to arrange than others and some substitutes), but I will definitely do 50 Firsts Times and I may even add some bonus ones along the way…making myself look extremely stupid for your viewing pleasure.

I really appreciate all your support and thank you for any donations.