Virgin hot air balloon outside

Why Outside Really is the Best Side!

Reading Time - 3 minutes

Here at Virgin Balloon Flights, we’ve always known that ‘outside is the best side’ due to the benefits of being in the fresh air and what it can do for you physically and mentally.

But now there is an even better reason to choose alfresco roaming, and that’s because of the decreased risk of catching COVID-19 when you’re in open spaces.

The UK’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Witty, the man we all tuned into every night in lockdown on the government briefings, tells us, "The evidence is very clear that outdoor spaces are safer than indoors,"

But what makes the outdoors safer?

Although infections can happen outdoors, the chances are significantly reduced as fresh air disperses and dilutes the virus.

Evaporation of the liquid droplets also occurs outside, as well as the ultraviolet light from the sun killing any viruses in the open.

Being outside is the perfect solution for anyone worrying about taking on adventures as they are cautious about catching COVID-19, as this proves that fresh air is your friend!

Virgin ballon flight in the UK

Time To Go Back To Normal!

However, let’s not just focus all our attention on avoiding coronavirus remember that time before Covid when everything was normal?? Well, we knew how to go outside and have fun in the great outdoors then, so let’s resume normal behaviour and start doing it again!

Unique examples of being outside include:

  • Scavenger hunts
  • Plant some vegetables
  • Go horse riding
  • Stargaze
  • Chalk up the pavements
  • Water balloon flight
  • Mini Golf
  • Go on a hot air balloon ride (you knew that was coming, didn’t you!)

Other reasons to enjoy the outdoors are plentiful!

Stress Less

Stress relief is probably the one that resonates with most people when you ask them about why they have ventured outside. To alleviate stress, you just can't beat being in natural elements!

Sleep Better

People who live near parks and open spaces are more likely to engage in physical exercise which, even when done in small doses, helps people sleep better. Research also suggests that walking through nature helps depression and stress levels, which in turn will improve sleep.

Boost Your Brain

Incredibly, just being surrounded by the beauty of nature is enough to improve people's brain health as natural scenes activate parts of the brain associated with balance and happiness according to research.

Cultivates Creativity and Imagination

If you need motivation when working from home, taking a walk can increase creativity and production whilst also influencing originality in your life and work.

Just Makes You Smile

Finally, and probably the most obvious of all the great reasons to venture outside, is that it promotes happiness and decreases anxiety!

Remember when we were all stuck inside for days in the Winter lockdown? All we needed was a bit of fresh air and sun! Everything about the outside promotes good moods and reduces tendencies towards depression.

With all the benefits of alfresco activities in both mental and physical health, there is no better argument to encourage everyone to stay outdoors as much as they can.

A hot air balloon ride doesn't just tick off many of these reasons listed, it smashes them out of the park!

Being up to 5,000 feet in the air means that you get to reap the benefits of fresh air and it also intensifies all other positives of being outside as the adrenaline you’ll feel when in the balloon will make you feel incredible!

Plus that feeling will last for many years as you’ll always look back on your memories of your flight and smile!

Don’t just take our word for it, discover for yourself that outside really is the best side!

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