Virgin Money and Richard Branson, along with his daughter Holly are hoping to establish a Guinness World Record for the LOUDEST CHEER at the Virgin London Marathon this year.

The 10,000 strong cheers, recorded individually, will be collated and edited together to produce the world’s biggest cheer and will be played this Sunday at Montgomery Square – one of the toughest parts of the Virgin London Marathon course to spur on the runners.

A dedicated YouTube channel (Virgin Money Cheers) has been set up by Virgin Money where people have been uploading their individual cheers to be part of the record. The more weird and wonderful the video, the better …. so long as it's LOUD and enthusiastic!

By simply tweeting (#virginmoneycheer @virginmoney) the link to our cheers Virgin Money donated £100 to our charity, 5 lucky cheers will be picked each day to win too.

You too can be part of this record by simply recording your cheer and uploading it to YouTube simply save the video and tag as Virgin Money Cheers.

Click on the pictures below to see how the Virgin Balloon Flights staff have been involved.