We’re very excited here at Virgin Balloon Flights as our pilots in Scotland will be taking part in the RAF Leuchars Airshow for the first time this weekend.

Balloon rides in Scotland are magical, showcasing the vast, rugged landscape of this beautiful country with its historical monuments, picturesque views and dramatic coastline.

So, while fast jet flying displays from the Red Arrows and the Typhoon Display Team will wow people from the ground, we’ll be waxing lyrical about a much slower form of flight they can experience for themselves.

Two of our pilots will be at the event, which is the only remaining Battle of Britain Air Show and the second largest non-sporting outdoor event in Scotland.

Celia Morley and Martin Cowling will be talking to people about life as a balloon pilot and how people can get into this rewarding career as well as the sheer thrill of flying as a passenger.

Visitors will get the chance to see one of our large 16-man baskets plus a smaller two-man basket and, weather permitting, we’ll have a small tethered balloon on show.

“With so many aviation enthusiasts on hand, we wanted to give people the opportunity to find out more about balloon rides in Scotland,” said Celia, who has flown balloons in numerous countries around the world, including France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, America and of course the UK.

This is her first season flying in Scotland and she has fallen in love with the countryside.

“In Scotland, there are so many different vistas and it’s one of the best places I have flown in,” she said. “It’s such a varied landscape. There are hills and mountains, which for me, coming from Kent, is awesome. You can just see to the edge of the world.”

Celia said she and Martin will be talking to people about taking passenger flights in Scotland with Virgin Balloon Flights as well as what flying a balloon is like.

She said: “It’s the best job in the world. We will be talking to people about where they can fly from in Scotland and what they might experience.”

Celia said she is also very much looking forward to the airshow.

“I’m into aircraft big time and I can’t wait to see all the displays,” she said. Martin, who has also had a fantastic first season flying in Scotland, said he is excited about the airshow. He said: “It’s going to be great, although the weather is not looking too good, but hopefully it will clear through the day for the flying displays. We’re looking forward to talking to everyone about balloon flights in Scotland.”

The airshow will also see a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in tribute to the aviators of World War II.

The Spitfire, one of the most iconic fighters of all time, will give a fly pass along with the Hawker Hurricane and Lancaster bomber.

Entertainment on the ground will include the RAF Leuchars Pipes and Drums, the Fly Right Dance Company, the RAF Leuchars Military Wives Choir and Fierce Pro Dancers.

For more information about the event see www.airshow.co.uk

To find out more about balloon rides in Scotland visit www.virginballoonflights.co.uk