When blog fanatic Becky Arber took the skies in a Virgin balloon over Norwich - the 23- year-old wife and mum was delighted to cross a hot air balloon ride off her extensive bucket list!

So how did Becky become a blogging superstar? Originally from Leeds, Becky studied at Sheffield to become a qualified primary school teacher. After graduating and getting hitched to photographer husband Tom, Becky extended her family with the birth of daughter Holly and thought it a good idea to share their life’s adventures with friends and family on a blog. However, their stories have proved to be just as endearing for others who have stumbled across ‘Ar-Blog’, and the followers keep on coming.

Recently Becky decided to start herself a bucket list. “I wanted to write down all the things I want to achieve. It gives me things to work towards, to push myself and feel elated when I try something new,” she said. A balloon flight was always going to be something on the list, Becky told us. “It’s something I’d always wanted to try; I wanted to have that surreal floating feeling where you leave the world behind. I remember seeing hot air balloons as a child and just thinking they were magical.”

After receiving a Virgin Balloon Flights voucher for her 21st birthday from her mother-in-law, Becky floated into the skies on a peaceful June evening this year from Old Buckenham Airfield, Norwich, with our pilot Robert Keron.

“Helping to unpack and pack the balloon is great as it gets everyone involved and laughing from the start.” The highlight for Becky was the initial take off “…when you weren’t sure if you were still on the ground. It was amazing to stand up and watch the world get smaller.” Passengers on the flight were lucky enough to spot a few light aircraft take off into the sunset.

Hot air ballooning, running 5k and getting a degree have all been ticked off Becky’s list. Remaining challenges include a 10k run, skydiving and reading the ‘100 books to read before you die’. However, she would love for her parents to join her on another balloon ride, perhaps next time from one of our Yorkshire launch sites.

You too can enjoy the magic of ballooning from over 100+ launch sites in England, Scotland and Wales from as little as £169 per person. Simply visit our website or call

01952 212750.