73-year-old Eddie Montague of Stalham, Norfolk, proved there is no time for being too serious in your seventies when he sent in a teddy adventure photograph to Virgin Balloon Flights.

On their 20ft Viking Cruiser boat on the river Ant in Stalham, Eddie and his wife, also 73, were off for a picnic when something caught their eye. Of course, it was one of our big red balloons on the skyline …

“I managed to get the boat into the right position to get the reflection of the balloon and as I always have my camera with me I took 2 or 3 photos.”

So why the Photoshopping?

“In the Stalham Town Hall, every Tuesday two ladies of about my age have a charity Tombola stall and the prizes are always soft toys. We invariably win something so as a bit of fun I photograph the toys I win in a holiday or sporting type of environment (surfing, skiing etc.) and make it into a postcard to pass back on to the ladies. It’s become a regular ritual. Who says you can’t have fun in your seventies? So that was the card for the Tombola ladies from “Teddy and Giraffe” on a balloon ride!”

We just love it Eddie, and your sense of humour has brightened up our Friday here at Virgin Balloon Flights and we’re pleased to hear all 6 of your grandchildren enjoyed the shots!

We have a fabulous new launch site in Norfolk for the 2012 season called Old Buckenham Airfield and flights are available from as little as £169 per person! Simply call 01952 212750 or visit our Website.