At Virgin Balloon Fights we spend a lot of time looking at weather reports and when they're disheartening (more often than usual over the past two seasons), we pull out the ironic phrase “It’s the British summer” and keep on smiling. Recently though the sun gods have been on our side and fingers crossed there’s more to come.

What does this mean for Virgin Balloon Flights? Well, here’s a brief glimpse of what we’ve been up to with plenty of great pics.

We’ve been getting some serious flying done in this improved weather. Last weekend alone we flew nearly 2,000 passengers across the UK and with the fine weather due to continue hopefully this trend is far from over.

So what do flights make? Happy passengers of course. Here are two on a recent flight over County Durham doing an excellent job of sporting our caps too.

What do happy passengers do? Take photos and enter our Facebook photo competition. Here’s a couple of crackers already in contention.

It seems not only is their warmth in the air, but a fair amount of love too. Here are some photos from a recent balloon flight in Kent where Mike Burt popped the question to Bryony Burn. Congratulations to you both from all at Virgin Balloons.

Finally, following last month's escapades of “Mozzie” the Meerkat, this month's furry flyer was a nameless pig who flew from Grantham; showing that pigs really can fly.

If you want to have your own airborne adventure, are thinking about popping the question or even looking to test an old adynaton, visit us at or give us a call at 01952 212750.