So we’re just 115 days away from Sue’s 26.2 mile slog in aid of Hope House Children's Hospices at the 2011 Virgin London Marathon and the money is starting to trickle in. Despite the bad weather Sue’s training is continuing to push her fitness levels up and she has not been put off track with her marathon preparation.

After a visit to Hope House to see how her hard work will pay off, Sue’s determination is sky high and the treadmill is feeling her feet as a result of it. With our £10,000 target in mind, Sue explains why she is so committed to reaching it …

“Well, £10,000 will provide funding for a whole year for special group trips out for the children staying at the hospices to get to different kinds of events, to the likes of visits to the zoo and to parks. This will also include travel to and from the hospices and also for the nurses and carers to accompany the children on these trips. So far I have quite a lot lined up to help raise as much money as possible, and I’ve only just begun.”

To do your bit to help families make the most of the short precious lives of the children at Hope House, simply visit Sue’s fundraising page at Virgin Money Giving and keep up to date with her training and fundraising on the Virgin Marathon Girl blog.