Once a year, Virgin holds a special evening to recognise the Virgin staff who go the extra mile and beyond the call of duty. This year, Roger Vint was selected to be our Virgin Balloon Flights' 'Star of the Year'. Roger is a highly valued member of the commercial and maintenance team and a great ambassador for the Virgin brand. Company Directors said:

'His commitment to his role is a testament to Roger’s character, his friendly can do attitude is refreshing and has a positive impact on those around him (we just wish we could bottle it). We are proud to have Roger as part of the Virgin Balloon Flights family and we appreciate the opportunity to thank him in this way.'

The ‘Stars of the Year’ event brought together 31 individuals from different Virgin companies to celebrate their hard work and outstanding achievements. There were over 1,500 nominations from all the companies and Richard said it was an ‘incredibly hard task’ to select just 31. The evening was hosted at Sam and Holly’s (Richard’s children) house, near Oxford. The weather was fantastic meaning the guests could enjoy the last of the Great British summer and it was perfect for the meal and awards ceremony that was held inside a stunning tent in the garden.

Before the dinner, Richard went around the table, asking all the Stars to introduce who they were and what they did. No doubt Richard was personally interested in Roger's story as has always been a big passion of his.

Those who have had the pleasure of working with Roger added:

'Roger arrives each day with a smile and regardless of what the day brings, this never changes. He is hard working, never says no and never gives up on a task. Over the five years Roger has worked for Virgin Balloon Flights he has never had a day off outside of his annual leave. We feel that Roger always makes a 110% contribution and his approach to work is infectious. His commitment, particularly this year, has been immense allowing the team and the company to perform to very high standards.'

Richard blogged about the evening saying:

'It is so important for every company to remember to recognise and reward its staff. After all, your staff are the lifeblood of your company. At the end of the day, they make all the difference between running a successful business and one that is just run of the mill.'

Again, well done Roger! We’re proud to have you in the team.