Jenny Boyer recently celebrated her 60th birthday in wonderful style, mid-air in one of our hot air balloons over Peterborough after her friends Nicky and Raymond Farnell treated her to the unique experience with the gift of flight.

Nicky accompanied Jenny on their flight on the beautiful evening of 1st September, perfect timing, just three days before her birthday. The balloon launched from East of England Showground, Peterborough, not far from Jenny’s home in Orton Malborne. When asked about her flight told us,

“I have wanted to go on a flight for as long as I can remember and have often watched one of your balloons go over my house and been very jealous. The flight totally lived up to my expectations and more!! It was WONDERFUL.”

Jenny praised pilot Alan Lusty and his crew for making her experience such a special occasion,

“Alan and his support staff were so lovely and friendly. I felt completely at ease with them as soon as they introduced themselves. Everything was explained so well whilst on the flight, Alan was so knowledgeable - amazing!”

As they floated over Peterborough, friend Nicky looked over her shoulders to spot her house. Jenny recalled,

“As soon as Nicky mentioned it, Alan turned us around so that she could take photos of her house. Little things like that made it so special.”

During the flight, the wind guided them over many familiar sights. Jenny was lucky enough to fly over Thorpe Hall – where she was born, Whittlesey -where she lived for a long time since she was a child and her current house.

When we asked Jenny how she felt after her flight, she said “I so want to go on another flight now!!! My 4-year-old grandson watched us take off and thought it was amazing – now he wants to go up in a balloon.”

Jenny said as well as the balloon flight over Peterborough she was absolutely showered with gifts.

“My cousin in Australia paid for me to fly out for 3 weeks at the end of May, I have been treated to lots of beauty treatments by various members of my family and my children have arranged a party for me on Saturday 8th. I have no idea where it is or anything, just that I need to be dressed up and ready for 7.30 pm. I have a houseful of flowers and lovely presents ...what a lucky girl I am.”

You too can experience the magic of a balloon flight for as little as £169 and with over 100 launch sites to choose from you’re guaranteed unforgettable sites. Simple visit our website or call us on 01952 212750.