Each year Virgin Balloon Flights takes a team of pilots, crew and guests out to Mondovi in Piemonte, Italy, for a stable and balloon friendly climate to carry out annual check flights and training for pilots.

This year a group of 38 balloon enthusiasts enjoyed a ten-day trip to the centre for ballooning in Italy, which included Chief Pilot and CEO Kenneth Karlstrom and 16 of our Virgin hot air balloon pilots from across the country.

A total of nine flights went ahead over the ten-day period where required tests and checks were carried out on the Virgin balloon as well as completing group conversions where experienced pilots are certified to fly bigger hot air balloons.

Kenneth said: “The trip was hard work but we achieved everything that needed to be achieved. Another successful event which meant the opportunity for socialising, eating pizza and drinking good wine!”

The start of the UK ballooning season will commence in March and we’ll be taking to the skies from over 100 locations across England, Scotland and Wales. Be part of it by calling 01952 212759 or visiting virginballoonflights.co.uk