Hot air balloons have got to be one of the most romantic things in the world. As far as romance goes, they beat the Gondolas of Venice hands down. Elephant rides in India or the Orient Express? No chance. Floating gently through the air with beautiful views to all sides, drifting as the winds (and the steady guiding hand of an experienced balloon pilot) take you… The atmosphere is perfect.

Best of all, a couple can share this experience and all its wonder as a precious and personal memory. No two ballooning experiences are exactly alike and it's not like being crammed onto a busy tour boat or bus with dozens of other people. A balloon basket is a naturally intimate place.

The perfect proposal

If you're looking for a really special moment to pop the biggest of all questions, hot air balloon rides for couples are the perfect answer. You don't need to do much preparation. All you need to bring is the ring- just don't drop it over the basket edge- and the one you love. The balloon trip itself can stay a surprise until the last minute and you can choose the best possible moment to get down on one knee.

Everything else will be taken care of. You'll have a ready-made romantic atmosphere, a little dash of adrenaline flowing, and some of the best views anyone could hope for. What better way to show someone that you'd give them the whole world if you could?

Of course, proposing in a balloon also makes a great story. The first question any new bride gets asked- and it will be asked a lot- is how the proposal happened. Telling friends and family that you pulled out a beautiful ring in a hot air balloon would be great fun for everyone!

Anniversaries and birthdays

Forget buying a new shirt for him or a bunch of flowers for her. Compare the usual anniversary gift with hot air balloon rides over the Lake District and they just don't measure up. There is something in it for the gift buyer too- both parties get to enjoy the trip.

A ballooning experience is one gift that won't soon be forgotten. The only danger is that it'll be hard to top next year, and you can worry about that next year. For this anniversary, relax and enjoy the ride of a lifetime.

Valentine's Day

It might seem a little early to start talking about Valentine's Day, but making sure that you have a unique, memorable and romantic plan for this special day is still essential. If on 14th February you would like to present your partner with a particularly special gift, a voucher for a romantic balloon ride offers a truly unique opportunity that will undoubtedly provide you both with unforgettable memories you'll cherish for years to come.