Each year Virgin companies are asked to pick their Star of the Year. The Star must be an employee who has gone above and beyond their job role, is willing to help colleagues at every opportunity, and embodies the Virgin brand.

After much deliberation, Virgin Balloon Flights is pleased to announce that Star of the Year 2014 is Lynsay Peake. Lynsay has worked for the company for 5 years and currently manages the call centre and Customer Services department.

Lynsay is also the office contact for all of our pilots. It’s not always an easy job to manage 20 pilots, and their crew who are based all over the country! I’m sure they’d all agree that Lynsay is a deserving winner.

The management team said:

“Lynsay has not only managed and supported two previous Stars of the Year but through her natural ability to inspire and support those around her, especially in the call centre, she has also drastically increased year-on-year merchandise sales and year-on-year call centre revenue, making a significant difference to the bottom line.”

To celebrate her award Lynsay will be joining other Stars of the Year at Sir Richard’s family home in Oxfordshire later this year.

Virgin Balloon Flights is really proud of Lynsay’s efforts and thank her for her excellent service. Enjoy your evening at Sir Richard’s Lynz!